About Us
Jet Lee Mr. Lee was raised in Hong Kong but was born in China. In his late teens, he spent more than four years in Beijing studying Tai Chi and Wushu (Chinese Martial Arts). He acquired Chinese Acupressure "Nerve Art Massage" during this time, which he used to promote healing and physical and mental fortification. He spent two years in Tibet during his quest for inner peace, where he studied Reiki and meditation with Tibetan Monks. He was subsequently taken to India where he studied Vipassana Meditation for two years while just consuming fruit and water. During this period, Mr. Lee also studied Seichim and Indian Head Massage. He made the journey to Nepal to study Samantha Meditation.He traveled to Burma in search of more knowledge, where he resided and practiced Buddhism. An established healer named Mr. Lee now resides in Thailand where he offers numerous healing services and educational programs.